Near 50{5e37bb13eee9fcae577c356a6edbd948fa817adb745f8ff03ff00bd2962a045d} jump in imports threatens India textile story

Micheal Johnson

Textile and garment imports by India, historically a big exporter, jumped as significantly as 48.8{5e37bb13eee9fcae577c356a6edbd948fa817adb745f8ff03ff00bd2962a045d} right until November this fiscal from a 12 months ago to $7.2 billion, although the outbound shipment of this sort of items shrank 13.4{5e37bb13eee9fcae577c356a6edbd948fa817adb745f8ff03ff00bd2962a045d} to $23.1 billion. These types of imports are likely to go […]

Turkish textile exports stand still in 2022

Micheal Johnson

The Turkish textile and raw materials sector, the world’s 5th largest textile producer and exporter, concluded the year 2022, which started with an export target of 15 billion dollars, with exports worth 12.9 billion dollars with an increase of 0.6{5e37bb13eee9fcae577c356a6edbd948fa817adb745f8ff03ff00bd2962a045d} compared to 2021. Türkiye’s textile and raw materials sector exports […]

Zero-waste textile industry possible

Micheal Johnson

A new existence-cycle assessment by the European Recycling Industries’ Confederation (EuRIC) and a report by Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) – both launched this month – are exhibiting the possible for circularity inside the textile business. The EuRIC research (LCA-based mostly evaluation of the management of European made use of textiles) […]