Textile and Apparel Imports See Big Gains from Smaller Producers

Imports of textiles and apparel saw year-over-year declines from many traditional suppliers in January but significant increases from smaller producers, according to statistics from the Department of Commerce’s Office of Textiles and Apparel. For more information on trade-related issues affecting textiles and apparel, please contact ST&R’s textile and apparel practice leader […]

Textile and Apparel Imports See Mixed Results

Imports of textiles and apparel continued to show mixed results in December, according to statistics from the Department of Commerce’s Office of Textiles and Apparel. For more information on trade-related issues affecting textiles and apparel, please contact ST&R’s textile and apparel practice leader Elise Shibles at (415) 490-1403 or via email.  Click here […]

Near 50{5e37bb13eee9fcae577c356a6edbd948fa817adb745f8ff03ff00bd2962a045d} jump in imports threatens India textile story

Textile and garment imports by India, historically a big exporter, jumped as significantly as 48.8{5e37bb13eee9fcae577c356a6edbd948fa817adb745f8ff03ff00bd2962a045d} right until November this fiscal from a 12 months ago to $7.2 billion, although the outbound shipment of this sort of items shrank 13.4{5e37bb13eee9fcae577c356a6edbd948fa817adb745f8ff03ff00bd2962a045d} to $23.1 billion. These types of imports are likely to go […]